Sense seeing

I’m glad I can see because if I couldn’t then I would be blind and you can,t do any thing only things you can do is eat sleep,hear,but I feel sorry for the people that are blind.I,m glade I can still see if you ever see a picture of a person or child that says donate some money for blind children then do it don,t ignore it.if I see one I will donate some money there are a lot of blind people in this world .Here are some examples of countries with blind people in them.American,Japanese,Chinese,Spanish and about any country that you can name has blind people in them.SO DONATE SOME MONEY TODAY.seeing would make my life better because I could play video games play my favorite sport.If you can see you can do anything you want that is why I’m happy to see out of my eyes that some people can,t even see at all that is all sad.If they were at school and they couldn’t,t see they would accidentally bump into them they are going to think that it was On purpose and they are going hit them for no reason that person that got hit is going to go to the principal and that person That hit him or her is going to get in trouble and they deserve it for hitting some body on purpose it is just wrong!!!

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